

 「瑜伽女計畫」是受到廣具盛名的藏傳佛教大成就者──尊貴的 措尼仁波切─所啟發。措尼仁波切對我們這個時代一些最出色的女性修行者,有著深心的虔敬和奉獻精神。在完成「瑜伽女計畫」普世目標的過程中,我們接受來自措尼仁波切、尊貴的傑尊瑪敏卓林康卓仁波切, 還有幾位在西藏傳統中珍貴聖者們的指導與建議。



一、在也許不為人所知的女性瑜伽行成就者,和所有想要深化佛法修持的女性之間,建立起一座心連心的橋樑。經由媒體活動、 課程、翻譯與籌募基金等,我們全心全意為了這個利益有情的事業而努力。


二、展現佛法修持中各種女性面目的多元動力。在我們充滿活力、 激發靈思的網站上,以及我們第一本書的出版計畫中,我們將描繪出這個世界上,許多終生實修並了悟佛果的女性們種種的面目與化現。




最後,我們重視在修持道路上進階的行者們,並提供資金和專 門的經濟贊助,支持她們所需要的物質條件,在修持道路上完全精進,為利益眾生而證悟自心中的瑜伽女果位。




因為這個計畫的緣起是來自西藏佛法傳承,瑜伽女計畫的前三年,主要貢獻給佛教金剛乘傳統的行者。在未來的幾年中,我們也會隨著因緣,介紹其他傳乘中特殊的女性修行者,讓我們的視野擴大,呈現出精神修持與傳統 的廣大光譜。


The Yogini Project is guided by the Venerable Tsoknyi Rinpoche, an accomplished and renowned master in the Tibetan tradition.


Our mission is threefold:


1) To create a bridge between accomplished if hidden yoginis/teachers and other women inspired to deepen their practice. We will seek to benefit others in this end through media events, sponsored teachings and translations, and fundraising activities.


The focus here is to reveal the presence of accomplished women -- Yoginis -- and their tangible benefit to a wider community, creating the basis for yogini & wider community to support each other.


2) To express the dynamic range of the many faces of the feminine in Buddhist practice. Through our vital, inspirational website and on through our first book project, we will illuminate the many forms and faces of women enacting and realizing the fruits of committed practice the world over.


Here, we focus on inspiring those with aspiration and potential to enter deeper in their paths as emerging yoginis.


3) To create a Yogini Fund dedicated to the support of female practitioners with the potential, qualities, and commitment to deepen realization in long term retreat. Tsoknyi Rinpoche has offered to teach those supported, as well as guide them as they emerge to share the benefit of their practice with others, whether through teaching or guiding others in retreat.


And finally, we focus and provide the foundation and dedicated financial support for those who advance on the path with the physical conditions to commit themselves fully to actualizing the Yogini within themselves for the benefit of others.


Our first 3 years shall will be dedicated largely to those practicing within the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition as it has come through the Tibetan transmission. We will be incorporating special instances of the feminine in other Buddhist traditions as they emerge, widening this focus to the broader spectrum of spiritual practice and traditions in the years to follow.


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The vision for the Yogini Project was birthed through the inspiration of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s great support of female practitioners and from one father’s wish that his daughter might discover living examples of women fulfilling their greatest potential. This wish is combined with a commitment to initiate the socio-cultural change required to create a supportive environment for her and others like her to actualize their highest potential. For this potential is not in one daughter alone, it is indeed in all daughters present in this world, and all those to come.


And so, for the benefit of all daughter beings, The Yogini Project comes to fruition in this light to provide positive role models of truly empowered women and tangible effective support to those choosing to empower themselves.

From: http://theyoginiproject.org/the-yogini-mission

See more at www.theyoginiproject.org 



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