主法上師:尊聖依怙主 董瑟 噶拉多傑仁波切
閉關非對外開放一般大眾,需先取得噶拉多傑仁波切允許同意.欲參加者請先與 Phuntsho lama[Tel:+886-935503989, 及 Sengge lama Tel:+886-988-556518洽詢取得連繫或更多之相關訊息Tel:+886-4-24969688~9,Fax+886-4-24969699.
Event : KRODIKALI RETREAT 2013【Krodikali Supreme Initiation (Wangchhen)】
Date: 5th Decemeber ~ 8th Decemeber, 2013
Venue: Puli Retreat Center, Taichung Taiwan.
►This Krodikali retreat are not open to public. You are allowed to attend only after receiving approval from Rinpoche.
►If you wish to participate, kindly contact with Lama Phunsto(M:+886-935503989) and Lama Sengge(M:+886-988-556518) for permission. For further more details,pls contact with Dudjom Dharma House Taichung(Tel:+886-4-24969688/Fax:+886-4-24969699 e-mail:taichung@dudjom-newtreasure.org)
►Everyone who will attend this retreat should collect before AM10:00 on THU,5th-Dec at DDH Taichung. Tent is requirement and manufactured for a specific purpose, everyone should have one ,if you don’t have ,kindly contact with us to book in advance.
【 參加閉關及旺千灌頂法會 】
1. 需填寫報名表完成報名(網路下載或向中心索取),傳真至中心Fax:04-24969699或來電 Tel:04-24969688告知亦可
2. 法會行程參照表(網路下載或向中心索取)。
3. 旺千灌頂須配帶物:鼓、鈴杵、脛骨、瑜珈匹衣、耳環、禪定帶、法裙
4. 閉關所需配備用品:
法本:□ 中軌 □ 短軌 □ 四施 □ 四加行□ 日修儀軌
法器:□ 鼓 □ 鈴杵 □ 脛骨
衣著:□ 白上衣 □ 灰色瑜珈裙 □ 瑜珈匹衣 □ 耳環 □ 禪定帶 □ 法裙
□ 指定帳篷 □ 睡袋 □ 睡墊 □ 羽毛衣及保暖衣物 □ 頭燈、燈具
□ 自用壇城(依自己所需)
□ 備糧、些許薈供品供佛,酒乾肉等供護法
□ 童軍繩
□ 時鍾、錶 □ 備用電池 □ 換洗衣物盥洗用品□ 健保卡身份證
□ 個人藥品□ 雨傘雨具雨鞋塑膠墊
□ 自用餐具必備(碗盤筷湯匙茶杯保溫杯)
□ 其他自行所需用品(筆紙拖鞋衛生紙抹布等)
TEL:04-24969688~9 傳真:04-24969699
劃撥帳號:22205245 戶名:台中縣敦珠新岩傳學佛會
e -mail:taichung@dudjom-newtreasure.org
獻三身曼逹 洽:林慈容師兄 0933-538396
參加護關 洽:張秀菊師兄 0936-969142。
Dear Dharma sis & brs:
If you have registered the 2013 Winter Retreat in Puli,Taiwan,pls download the itinerary here. TQ!!