南卻天法是嘎瑪噶舉一位偉大的啦嘛嘎瑪.洽美的弟子-伏藏上師明珠.多傑(Migyur Dorje)所開啟的心意伏藏,他終其一生都在揭示這個法門最重要的珍貴法教。更多有關南卻.明珠.多傑的生平及南卻天法資訊,請至下列網站:
Shechen Monastery is honored to announce that Ven. Yangtang Rinpoche will be bestowing the Namcho (gnams chos) series of empowerments.
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche requested the empowerments for Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche when they met Yangtang Rinpoche in Bodhgaya in January.
Venerable Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche is an emanation of the great Vimalamitra and the immediate incarnation of the Terton Dorje Dechen Lingpa. He is a main lineage holder in the Nyingma Tradition and is widely recognized for the quality and depth of his realization, the power of his attainment, and the purity of his transmissions. Born in Sikkim, he returned to his monastery in Tibet when he was recognized as the reincarnation of a terton from Dhomang.
In 1959 he was captured and imprisoned for 22 years by the Chinese Communists. Since his release in the 1980’s he has rebuilt Dhomang Monastery in Tibet. Although Rinpoche is now over 80 years old, he is tireless in his efforts to benefit living beings and propagate the Dharma and he travels the world giving teachings and empowerments to thousands of disciples. He is one of the greatest masters of this century.
The Namcho (gNams Chos) cycle is a mind treasure revealed by the Terton Migyur Dorje (1645-1667) who was a disciple of the great Karma Kagyu lama Karma Chakme. It is the most important cycle of treasure teachings that he revealed in his life. For more information on the biography of Namcho Mingyur Dorje and the Namcho cycle:http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Namcho-Mingyur-Dorje/9190
The empowerments will begin on October 18th or 24th and are expected to last about 3 weeks. Please keep checking our website for further date changes. Please Note: registration is necessary for special seating. Please contact office.nepal@shechen.org.